We are starting a new international project.

This international project is inspired by the woman in Proverbs 31 from the Bible. In Christian communities, Proverbs 31 is seen as an expectation of how a Christian woman should be, and at the same time, in those same communities, a traditional woman is not associated with leadership and entrepreneurship. Moreover, what do you think of when you think of a traditional woman? Would the words leadership and entrepreneurship come to mind for you?

Apart from that, I believe that 'being a woman' means more than living up to the common expectations of your surroundings. Being a woman is much more than fitting into a box. You have to be strong. You have to be gentle. Tradwife vs Boss babe. For me, Proverbs 31 is about the raw story of our lives and that God sees us there and wants to meet us. He truly, genuinely, and purely sees us. Even when it feels like no one sees us. The story is about the relationship that God wants with us. The strength we draw from God and complete trust in Him, no matter what happens.

During my travels through Morocco, this story came to life for me. I met many women, each with their own story. I want to capture these stories as genuinely and purely as possible in a coffee table book. 

And maybe you're wondering. Wasn't the woman in Proverbs 31 Jewish? And how would Christians then be inspired by that woman? And how could then this story come to life for you in Morocco? Aren't those women Muslim?

Reasonable questions. And that is one of the reasons I want to make this book. So you could see beyond that. 

I will be doing this in collaboration with the company and publisher Motherdock, led by Lisa Crawfurd.

You can also be apart of this project. We are looking for photographers. ;-) Feel free to send me a message.


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