Collection: Art Collection

Sometimes daring, always different. This collection is for those who seek a unique statement rug that's different, but feels like home. These high pile (3 cm | 1.2 in) rugs made of the finest wool that make you feel loved. All the rugs in this collection or made in M'rirt, and area that is known for their premium quality rugs and are part of our Noble Rugs.

  • densely knotted than other Moroccan Rugs 
  • washed up to 5 times
  • take min. twice as much wool as other Moroccan Rugs
  • silky feel

The rugs are made to order in your custom size and preferred colors. Please contact us for more information. 

8 products

From M'rirt, Khenifra

All the rugs in this collection are made in M'rirt in the Provence of Khenifra. The rugs from these region are also known as noble rugs as they are particularly densely knotted with double knots and made from exceptional wool quality.

M'rirt rugs continue to adorn interior designers and fine connoisseurs by their extremely warm, soft and long piles.

They are the most expensive due to the high quality and the quantity of the wool we use.

If you look for a natural rug that feels heavenly to walk on, then M'rirt rugs are meant for you.

see how our rugs are made