Rotterdam kids design Amazigh rugs

Rotterdam kids design Amazigh rugs

Wednesday June 12th was the opening of the exposition 'Tapijten van Ver' (Rugs from Afar) and the next 2-3 weeks they will be visible for you. Welcome!

I am very proud of the children and women and our collaboration with stichting Punt 5. Through this project we were able to bring two cultures together.

Photo: Chantal Lautenslager

The children from Rotterdam were inspired by the rich patterns and colors of Amazigh carpets, resulting in unique designs.  These designs were sent to Morocco, where the craftswomen transformed them into beautiful, hand-knotted carpets using traditional methods. And I am also happy that I was able to share their story too! 

Photo: Aboubakr Najmi

This is a special project for me. Romaisas Rugs started with one rug, made from a drawing that my niece Romaisa had given me. So to realize that we were able to  have 10 kids from Rotterdam, where I was born, design theirs is amazing. Even more... the exposition is in the Central Library of Rotterdam where I would come often as a kid myself.

Photo: Chantal Lautenslager


The expositions can be seen from June 12 to July 7. After this period, the carpets will be exhibited at various locations, allowing even more people to enjoy these special artworks.

See you!


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